Thursday 17 July 2008

Faceoff Friday 1

I'm thinking of starting a new Friday regular feature called Faceoff Fridays.

The idea started with me meeting interesting people on the street and wondering about who they were and what they were into, I wanted to learn something new about the place we live and the people I meet.

I don't know if I will be brave enough to talk to the top hat and tails guy from the cafe but ill start with people I know and work up to it.

So firstly I met up with Nick last Friday, he is one of my oldest friends, we met through Catriona and her family when I was eight. So while we were having a beer I thought he was the perfect person for a Faceoff Friday.

  • What's in your ipod/cd player? Josh Pyke I love the literal story telling in his songs and Elliot Smith his sound is so haunting
  • What are two things you would want people to know about you? I don't know if I want people to know anything about me
  • Would you rather read listen or watch? listen read then watch
  • Whats one of the top things on your do before you die list? Travel, everywhere
  • What would your 6 word memoirs be? I can't think, they will be song lyrics I just have to think of some that are appropriate ** Update** One day I'm gonna grow wings
  • What else do you think I should ask people? (At this point we got stopped by a weird guy at the pub who had been listening to our conversation, which had branched into talking about Facebook, to tell us that Facebook is owned by the CIA and that they are tracking us through our communications and then proceeded to stare at his friend that was sitting at another table and then stare back at us.
    Nick not being used to the usual weirdos in Newtown decided a table move was in order and that was the end of question time.

So that's it, I guess as time goes on there will be more questions but then this could be the first of a long line of one so we'll see.

Oh and apparently just because I call it Faceoff Friday doesn't mean I'll actually post it on a Friday, I will try though ......... Promise

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