Monday 21 January 2008

Beds and Growing up

Jack asked a few months ago why he didn't have his own bed, i knew this day was coming i just hadn't expected it at that moment, i explained that he slept with us but if he would like his own bed we would get one after Christmas. Well much to my dismay its after Christmas now and last week i found him a bed (without the mattress) he looked at it set up last night and seemed genuinely excited about it, now all i have to do is get the mattress and i guess that's where he will start the night. I have no illusions that he will sleep there permanently but its a start ...... i miss him already where did my little chubba bubba go

It was also Jacks friend Arieals 3rd birthday today, like Jack she wanted a themed party and where as Jack wanted a Dinosaur/Marble party Arieal wanted a horse themed party. What is it in them that led them to like such different things, they are growing to be far more gender specific than i though, i thought the boys like cars and girls like horses was a parent/media illusion I'm more likely now to argue that its genetic, like my wanting a Ute :)

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