Sunday, 5 April 2009

Holiday for a Day

The Face of 40

Its Andrews birthday weekend, yesterday we had his 'once was a surprise' birthday party that a sweet friend of ours unknowingly mentioned last weekend and so it wasn't really a surprise after all.  It was a really lovely day, almost everyone we love and care about came, the venue was easy with the kids and the food and drink was tasty and abundant.  Its amazing to me that my life partner is now 40 ...... 40! When did that happen, when did we get old, so do we now need to talk about superannuation, financial portfolios, and all those other serious grown up things .....

Today we woke up as daylight saving ended and went down to the beach by about 10am with some friends, our kids all playing together beautifully in the water, sitting around chatting eating and generally chilling out, as we walked back to our cars we commented on how a lazy relaxing day by the beach feels like you are on holidays and it felt like we should be wandering back to our beach huts putting the kids to bed and then sitting back enjoying a cocktail.  Still if you can't get away, a day like today refreshes the soul.

1 comment:

Catriona said...

Honey, you're significantly younger than Andrew. So it's less a matter of "when did *we* get old?" and more a matter of "when did *he* get old?"

Although I do sometimes look at, say, medical experts on the news and think, "You can't be a GP! You're, like, twelve years old!"

(And on second thoughts, don't tell Andrew I said that.)

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