Tuesday 29 September 2009

Time out from the Everyday

It feels like years since I have been on holidays.  In actuality it has only been one.  This time last year we were getting ready to drive up to Bellingen for the Global Carnival.  Today we are already on the road.

Last year was our first year at Global, and I was amazed at how relaxing 4-5 days camping in the heat with 1000 other tents could be.  The atmosphere was chilled, the people were eclectic to say the least, but for the most part lovely and the kids had a ball. To say nothing of the actual music and activities within the carnival.

We will also be doing some extra camping at different places on the way up and back.  I'm hungry for some time out and away from work, technology, politics and schedules and ready to embrace the kids running free, looking at the stars, cooking on a camp stove and no showers for a week or so.  There is nothing like having to deal with your kids pooing in a plastic bag at midnight in the rain to make you feel blessed to have a dilapidated  house with outdoor plumbing in the city.  I'm sure 10 days away and we will come back renewed and refreshed and happy to be home again.

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