Friday 25 April 2008

I wish I loved anything the way kids love bubbles

What do you Love ? I don't mean who that's easy, but what makes your heart sing? what makes you feel alive? what makes you feel peaceful and content?

These days I think we get so caught up in what life throws at us or in the everyday grind, we forget that we have things big and small that could change the balance of the day, by nurturing our spirit.
I love baths, they make me feel pampered and how i get to read my book
I love coffee, well made creamy strong hot coffee
I love thunder storms,
I love music and the way it can evoke feeling and thoughts that have been lost or misplaced i especially love to sing
I love doughnuts, they are the perfect desert and nectarines the perfect fruit
I love to dance,
These aren't loves that are going to change the my life but they are some of the things that when the day is getting away from me I use to try to find balance.
Next time you feel a bit sad or down, think of smells, tastes, sounds, touches, and sights that make you feel a bit brighter, try and think about what you love the way kids love bubbles


Anonymous said...

I love books. I don't think I could live in a bookless world. And as for those electronic readers . . . they're fine for journal articles for work, but I wouldn't read a book on them.

And I love the way the world smells in spring. You can always tell when spring's here by the smell.

Buffy Stun-Hers said...

The books surprises me 'wink'xx

Anonymous said...

I thought that would surprise you!

But now I've just read your top 38 songs, and I'm wondering exactly why we are friends . . .

Kidding! Don't hurt me. Variety is, after all, the spice of life.

(There actually was a fair bit of overlap, but also a lot of stuff I'd never thought of/never heard of. It's a shame my musical tastes ossified in about 1996.)

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