Sunday 2 March 2008

The New Phone

I got a new phone on the weekend its a very luxurious Blackberry Curve. So far I'm in love, i have been busily enjoying watching TV, emailing, surfing the net, and all the other little things it does so well. I'm such a gadget girl sometimes and I have trouble assimilating my love of all things bright sparkly and techy with the more simple life I would also like to live.
Is it possible to buy beautiful gadgets (my next one will be a Macbook) and still try and live a non consumerist lifestyle. I mean i didn't exactly need a new phone, yes my old phone was playing up a little but really it wasn't bothering me that much.

Its like there is two of me; one that wants to live in a world of chooks and compost, freecyling and bio-diesel and the other me lets call her evil Leigh :) that wants her world filled with Macbooks and cable TV, clothes dryers and expensive restaurant's.

I guess we all have an evil side, some of us just don't think about it and its consumerist ways or maybe you carbon offset so you don't have to worry, If it had have been a chair that wasn't perfect i would have lived with it or modified it to work better, i mean we still live with an outside toilet and i have a beautiful new phone, of course with my new phone i can now read and respond to email on the outside toilet so maybe that's the trade off :)

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