Thursday 12 June 2008

It Wasn't Meant to Be

Yesterday as i was busy organising dog sitters and travel plans for our trip to see the farm in Bellingen, Andrew got a phone call from the real estate.

(a little harsh perhaps)
Another couple had made an offer on the land and the offer had been accepted, contracts exchanged deal done sorry maybe next time.
I'm feeling pretty morose about it actually. As is my way i had started dreaming about that house and imagining what our lives would have been like living in the country. I pictured riding horses, planting veges, making jam and watching the kids from the balcony as they wandered and played in our bush land. I'm aware that these are all very idyllic dreams but that's the point of dreaming surely.

So please don't say to me today that 'it wasn't meant to be', i know that, every inch bar my heart knows that today, i just need some time to say goodbye to my dream before i can be thankful and move on.

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