Monday 30 June 2008

Things End of the World Movies have Taught me

I like a good end of the world mass disaster movie, actually they don't HAVE to be good. Often when I am watching I find myself yelling at the screen 'have you never watched a movie, what the hell are you thinking' so to save us all from making bad decisions in the event of a disaster, I thought that I would write a list of things I have learned from watching endless end of the world movies.

First you need to identify why the world is ending there are 5 main categories
* natural disaster
* alien invasion
* biological virus
* terrorist attack
* supernatural invasion

Once you have identified the cause it should be easier to short things out but in case weird things are just happening and you have no idea of the cause its best to plan for all eventualities

1. Don't ever leave the kids - this one came up while watching a movie recently, but in movie land if you ever leave the kids to go and find someone you inevitably die, plus who in there right mind would leave their kids to go and find anyone

2. Always assume the worst - don't think that the power has just gone off and plan to still go to work, look up and there will probably be spaceships or zombies

3. Good footwear - this one seems to come up in a multitude of movies, women running in heels and often people have no shoes at all. If you are running for your life think about your footwear, either steel capped boots or joggers depending on where and how you are running and what from

4. Pack smart - even if you just think your popping to the country while it all 'blows over' pack like its the end world (duh) most importantly make sure of medication especially prescription meds, antibiotics and pain relief otherwise you will have to break into a hospital and this is probably where you will perish

5. Stay together - speaks for itself, you leave the group then your a goner, mind you there is an exception to the rule, if there is an army type guy making the decisions and only you and some scientist type guy have different ideas go with the scientist

6. Pick a good car - fill it up with petrol ASAP and think about getting a reconditioned older car without electronics so it can survive a EMP attack but then try and grab parts inevitably the car will breakdown just when the bomb or zombies are about to go off

7. Did I mention good footwear - really people this is life or death stuff

8. Save the books - if society as we know it is about to end, then you are going to have to know a lot to get it back on track, grab books on basic medicine, farming, mechanics, electrics, chemistry, animal husbandry and knot tying

9. Make sure you have a bag of salt - this one applies to all disasters but especially if the world is ending due to supernatural forces, salt seems to work well against demons and any slug creatures, plus it makes food taste better

10. Lastly don't think about what is valuable now, think about what is valuable once society is dissolved, the person with most food water and medicine is king

Good luck xx

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