Tuesday 5 August 2008

18 One Word Questions

I was on a forum that I rarely go on today and there was this one word quiz.  I didn't like 1/2 the questions cause they were boring (what colour hair do you have etc) but some were interesting I don't know why they are meant to be one word.  If you want to let me know your answers I'd love more than one word, but seeing I'm doing this while the kids are on the prowl I do it they way its meant to be done

1. Where is your cell phone? Hands (I love my blackberry)
2. Where is your partner? Bus (I hope)
3. Where is your mother? Cosmos
4. Where is your father? Beachhouse (lucky bugger)
5. Your dreams last night were? Scared
6. Dream/goal in life? Happiness
7. Fear? Alone
8. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy
9. What you're not? Alone
10. One of your wish list items? Books (always books.... I think I have a problem)
11. You grew up? Free
12. The last thing you did? Dinner
13. What is your life like? Full
14. What is your current mood? Tired (pretty standard I guess)
15. Missing someone? Always
16. Love someone? Completely
17. Last time you laughed? Midday
18. Last time you cried? Midday


Anonymous said...

Let's see how this goes:

1. Where is your cell phone? Non-existent
2. Where is your partner? Kitchen
3. Where is your mother? Camden
4. Where is your father? Camden
5. Your dreams last night were? Unmemorable
6. Dream/goal in life? Contentment
7. Fear? Dark
8. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Employed
9. What you're not? Confident
10. One of your wish list items? House
11. You grew up? Happy
12. The last thing you did? Blog
13. What is your life like? Busy
14. What is your current mood? Anxious
15. Missing someone? Usually
16. Love someone? Certainly
17. Last time you laughed? Today
18. Last time you cried? Forgotten

Anonymous said...

The idea of the one-word answers is interesting, though. I'm always trying to get my students to pare their work down as far as possible, because we're always, inevitably, more verbose than we need to be. Most of these (especially the location ones) were unthinking, but some of them did push the limits of written expression.

stardust said...

1. Where is your cell phone? Standby
2. Where is your partner? QVB
3. Where is your mother? Sorting
4. Where is your father? Shed
5. Your dreams last night were? Analytical
6. Dream/goal in life? Experience
7. Fear? Loss
8. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Relocated
9. What you're not? Judgemental
10. One of your wish list items? Bliss
11. You grew up? Curious
12. The last thing you did? Embraced
13. What is your life like? Evolving
14. What is your current mood? Late
15. Missing someone? No
16. Love someone? Unit
17. Last time you laughed? Before
18. Last time you cried? Drop-off

stardust said...

Antony just said he is 'drunk' so here is his spontaneous response...I am looking forward to reading my response to him after his answers x
1.Where is your cell phone? There
2.Where is your partner? There
3.Where is your mother? Away
4.Where is your father? Away
5.Your dreams last night were? Clear
6.Dream/goal in life? Freedom
7.Fear? Hope
8.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Free
9.What you're not? Free
10.One of your wish list items? Free
11.You grew up?
12.The last thing you did? Consider
13.What is your life like? Restricted
14.What is your current mood? Open
15.Missing someone? No
16.Love someone? Yep
17.Last time you laughed? Today
18.Last time you cried? Here

Buffy Stun-Hers said...

They are all beautiful answers, you are right Treen 1 word answers cut the crap.

I knew Antony and i had similar feelings about our childhood.

The question what is your life like? i like that one, im gonna ask that one more often.

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