Wednesday 9 July 2008

The trouble with dinosaurs

Jack has always liked dinosaurs, ever since he's been old enough to be 'into' anything, dinosaurs have been a favorite.  As much as we have had conversations about the fact that dinosaurs are extinct today was the first time that Jack seemed to understand what that meant and so we had another long conversation about where the Dinosaurs are

Jack - Mummy can I see a dinosaur?
Me - No darling a long time ago a big comet crashed into our planet and it got really cold it was called an Ice Age
Jack - Like the movie
Me - Yep but unlike the movie it got sooo cold that all the dinosaurs died
Jack was quiet for a while then he said
Jack - Mummy I don't think all the dinosaurs died
Me - Yes baby they did
Jack - No mummy they didn't
Me - How come
Jack - They put on jumpers

There is really nothing you can say to that, well nothing that wouldn't crush his little spirit.

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