Wednesday 2 July 2008

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008)

Forget Where the Hell is Matt?, i want to know Who the Hell is Matt and why? but still i now so want to go to all of those places and see if people will dance with me. I am going to have to look at more of his stuff for the who and why answers i think :)

I recommend watching it in High Resolution,


Buffy Stun-Hers said...

I had to delete the original and redo this post but Catriona had already left a comment (sorry Treena she wrote;

Okay, I know that I'm slow to catch on to Internet memes--for a geek, anyway--but I have no idea how that came about.

On the other hand, I now desperately want to go to The Netherlands.

And i replied

Well if you're slow i must be a snail, what is an 'internet memes'?

If you looked at the other videos he has a whole lecture on it all, its pretty long though so i havent watched it, yet!

Anonymous said...

Aha! I was just going to add another comment asking whether that explanatory information was there in the first place and, if so, am I an idiot?

(Don't answer that.)

A meme is any piece of cultural information--an idea, for example--that is passed from person to person. (Wikipedia has a good definition, which I've largely cribbed from here.) Urban myths are good examples of memes.

(Remember The Appearance of the Repeated Meme in the first season of the new Doctor Who? That was punning on the concept of memes.)

So an Internet meme is a meme transmitted via the Internet. LOLcats are an example of an Internet meme.

(In another piece of Doctor-Who-related trivia, the word "meme" was coined by the scientist Richard Dawkins--he chose it for its similarity to "gene"--and not only has he appeared in an episode of Doctor Who but he is also married to Lalla Ward, who played the second Romana and used to be married to Tom Baker.)

(And now you know how my students feel!)

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